Ginger Infused Honey
Health Benefits of Ginger Infused Honey:
1. Did you know that ginger contains Gingerol, which is believed to have potent medicinal properties?
2. Gingerol is thought to have the ability to lower the risk of infections.
3. It has been suggested that ginger helps treat many forms of nausea, particularly morning sickness.
4. Some people claim that ginger aids in weight management.
5. Ginger may have a positive effect on blood sugar levels and heart disease risk factors.
6. Ginger is believed to help treat chronic indigestion.
7. For some women, ginger helps to reduce menstrual pain significantly.
8. Ginger may help to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels.
9. Some researchers have studied ginger as an alternative remedy for several forms of cancer.
- Spreads, Honey & Jams